We are here, in the Alps, in France! Our trip was long but we didn't have any problems at all, such a blessing. I'm not sure how many pictures I'll be able to post or how often I'll be able to post, but I'll do my best.
Our camp is called TED, Total English Days. French students come to learn English and other American activites. Almost all the counselors are Americans and we all brought students with us to help out with English and to have fun with the campers. It's going to be a fast, fun, and crazy 2.5 weeks!
The campers come today. We are in a hurry to get ready. Us counselors had a meeting this morning, getting all the details together. I'm excited! I am teaching a photo workshop a few days so that will be exciting. We have two students with us, Ali and Matt. Ali is going help out with a swing dancing workshop and Matt is teaching the French kids how to play poker.
Here goes day #1! Love to all!